USPE-LY can help you prepare for the future

Our Energy Consultancy Service

We provide a wide spectrum of technical advisory and consultancy services.

As global energy faces the decline of natural resources, it has become imperative to diversify energy sources and minimise dependence on non-renewable energy. In line with this, energy infrastructures around the world are looking to evolve from conventional systems and adopting new, progressive technologies that enable power utilities to meet the needs of consumers through alternative energies.

USPE-LY aims to facilitate the evolution of global energy by providing experienced and informed insight to utilities, governments, and energy providers through specialised energy consultancy.

Energy Systems For The Future

As a full-service energy solutions company, USPE-LY provides a wide spectrum of technical advisory and consultancy services to help clients overcome logistic, financial, technological, regulatory, environmental, and legal obstacles towards establishing consistent and stable power systems. In the past, we have collaborated with entities in both private and public sectors across the globe, participating in fundamental power generation projects that bring steady and reliable electricity to remote locations around the world.

We understand that each region, each community, each people has its own unique energy needs. As technical advisors, our aim is to align the capabilities and resources of our business partners to meet these immediate needs through financially sound and logistically feasible planning.

We can assist in identifying the potential obstacles of an implementation strategy and provide experience-based, data-driven insight to surmount these challenges. From introducing new technologies that promote sustainable energy to pinpointing inefficient energy systems within existing infrastructures, our energy consultants can work closely with clients to bring steady electricity to those who have none.

The future is uncertain, changing and evolving. USPE-LY can help you prepare for it, so that challenges turn into opportunities to make lives better.

Our Services

Our unparalleled range of services will help you grow your business.

USPE-LY analyse each project requirement to align our recommended solutions and build energy infrastructure that can be easily deployed, customised, scaled, or integrated with existing power systems and resources.


Engineering, Procurement & Construction

USPE-LY provides a broad range of Engineering, Procurement & Construction services to deliver complete turnkey power plant projects.

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Energy Equipment Services & Logistics

We provide best-in-class energy equipment services and logistics solutions for large-scale energy infrastructure projects.

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Operations & Maintenance

USPE-LY is a full-service energy solutions company that provides comprehensive operation & maintenance solutions for power generation facilities.

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Energy Design Solutions

Due to the nascent nature of energy infrastructure in emerging and developing markets, job and economic opportunities are limited.

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Freight & Logistics

USPE-LY enables the generation and distribution of consistent, sustainable, and efficient electricity to residential and business communities across the globe.

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Bridge Power

USPE-LY aims to help bridge the gap between power supply and demand by providing intelligent, scalable, modular bridge power solutions.

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Energy Consultancy

As we face the decline of natural resources, it has become imperative to diversify energy sources and minimise dependence on non-renewable energy.

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Please contact us for more information about any of our services we offer CONTACT US TODAY!